Objective: To observe the ECG and electrophysiological characteristic of patients with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) and premature ventricular contraction (PVC) originating from left (LVOT) and right (RVOT) ventricular outflow tracts and assess the clinical effect of radio frequency catheter ablation (RFCA) on these patients.
Methods: RFCA was performed in 58 patients (10 with VT and 48 with PVC, 5 patients with VT from RVOT under the guidance of non-contact mapping system Ensite3000). VT or PVC originated from LVOT in 15 patients (12 out of 15 from left sinus of Valsalva) and RVOT in 43 patients.
Results: (1) R wave in II, III, aVF leads was the common characteristics of VT or PVC originated from LVOT and RVOT and difference in wave duration index and R/S-wave amplitude ratio in V(1) or V(2) could be used to define VT and PVC originated from LVOT or RVOT. (2) Ablation was successful in 55 out of 58 patients (9 patients with the 2nd ablation, evaluated as arrhythmia-free at 3 months post ablation without medication) and failed in 3 patients. One patient developed pericardial tamponade during ablation and recovered without complication after related treatments.
Conclusions: RFCA is an effective, safe and curative therapy for VT or PVC originated from LVOT and RVOT. Non-contact mapping system (Ensite3000) is a safe and reliable tool to guide mapping and ablation in patients with complex VT and unstable hemodynamics.