Objective: The aims of this study were to measure changes over 3-years in caregiving burden and emotional distress in relatives of people with schizophrenia and to identify factors predicting the levels of caregiving burden.
Method: A cohort of 51 caregivers of patients with schizophrenia attending the South-Verona Community Mental Health Service was assessed over 3-years with the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, European Version. Predictors of caregiving burden included both caregivers' and patients' characteristics and patterns of carer-patient interaction.
Results: Baseline levels of family burden were high in worrying and urging domains. Fifty-one per cent of caregivers experienced significant emotional distress. Both overall burden and emotional distress improved. Higher patients' psychopathology, higher numbers of patient-rated needs, patients' lower global functioning and patients' poorer quality of life were found to be related to the severity of family burden. The only significant predictor of caregivers' burden at follow-up was the baseline level of caregivers' burden itself.
Conclusion: A policy addressing the caring burden of informal caregivers beyond patients' symptoms reduction should be considered.