Small bowel neoplasms are usually diagnosed when patients are referred with complications such as hemorrhage or obstruction. Intestinal lipomas are the third most frequent benign tumors among all intestinal neoplasms and their definite diagnosis is usually obtained after histopathological examination of the resected specimen. A 76 year-old male patient with partial intestinal obstruction and rectal bleeding at admittance was found to have an abdominal mass on ultrasound. The density pattern of the mass at abdominal CT was supporting a jejunal lipoma leading an intussusception. Then an enteroclysis localized and reduced the jejunojejunal intussusception. The diagnosis of lipoma was confirmed with histopathological examination of the mass removed by an elective intestinal resection. This case was reported as the intestinal lipoma leading a jejunojejunal intussusception associated with bleeding, could be diagnosed preoperatively.