Turkish children and adolescents born in Northern Europe grow different from native Northern European children, but reference values for height, weight and BMI for these children do not exist. With this study, we intend to provide growth standards for German born Turkish children. Data were obtained from 797 Turkish children and adolescents born in Germany age 0-25.8 years (males), respectively 0-18.3 years (females). We generated synthetic reference values for height, weight, and BMI. The results show that Turkish children and adolescents are heavier after the age of 6 years, and that they remain short after puberty. Eighteen year old Turkish men, and 15-year-old Turkish women are shorter (males 175.2 cm vs. 180.4 cm, p < 0.05; females 159.3 cm vs. 165.0 cm, p < 0.05), and heavier than Germans. Six out of 53 young Turkish men and 9 out of 100 young Turkish women were obese. Twelve out of 53 young Turkish men (23%) and 18 out of 100 young Turkish women (18%) have fallen below the 3rd centile for height. It can be concluded that growth of Turkish children and adolescents born in Germany significantly differs from native children. Reference LMS values for body height, weight and BMI of German born Turkish boys and girls are presented.