Traumatic aortic injury (TAI) has long been considered a surgical emergency, despite the high mortality and morbidity rates in traumatized patients submitted to open surgery. Initial medical management until stabilization of associated traumatic lesions has long been a matter of debate because of the inherent risk of rupture in some of these cases. Endovascular techniques in the management of polytraumatized patients provides an additional low-invasive treatment option. Because of its lower invasiveness, without thoracotomy or the use of heparin, endovascular repair can be performed in acute patients, without the risk of destabilizing pulmonary, head or abdominal traumatic lesions. Following the publication of early small series and case reports, endovascular repair has become a widely accepted method for treating both acute and chronic traumatic lesions. Our series comprised 51 TAI patients submitted to endovascular aneurysm repair from July 1997 to December 2006, of which 24 had chronic post-traumatic aneurysms and 27 were treated in the acute or subacute phase after the traumatic event. No mortality occurred; aneurysm sealing was consistently good. Major complications included a cerebellar stroke in 1 patient due to occlusion of the left subclavian artery. No failure of aortic procedure, mortality or complications were observed during the follow-up period. Should long-term follow-up in larger series show substantial durability of the graft material, endovascular treatment will become the management of choice for TAIs.