Background: Beta-blockers (BB) are under prescribed in elderly heart failure (HF) patients. We analysed predictors of BB treatment in relation to age in community patients seen at an HF clinic with nurse specialist support.
Methods: BB prescription was assessed in 357 subjects, in relation to age tertiles:<67 (n=120), 67-73 (n=105) and >or=74 years (n=119).
Results: 305 patients (85%) took BB at a median carvedilol-equivalent daily dose of 12.5 [12.5-25] mg. Patients >or=74 years received significantly less BB (78% vs 93% and 85%, p=0.002) and at lower doses than subjects aged <67 and 67-73 years (12.5 [6.25-20] mg vs 25 [12.5-32] and 12.5 [12.5-25], p=0.002). Older age, chronic obstructive airways disease, amiodarone, digoxin and baseline heart rate were independently associated with non-prescription of BB.
Conclusion: Although older age is associated with non-prescription of BB, BB can be implemented in an outpatient HF clinic with nurse specialist support even in elderly patients. although lower doses are achieved than in younger subjects.