An image analysis method of grading histologic sections of bladder carcinoma was tested. The method was new in four respects. First, for fixation of the biopsies a coagulant fixative was used. Second, 2-microns plastic sections were used to ensure the reproducibility of nuclear imaging. Third, a new stereologic approach was used for calculation of the nuclear volume and DNA content. Fourth, for the classification rule the morphometric, densitometric and texture features were used in concert. The IBAS 2000 instrument was used for the measurements. Texture analysis of the chromatin patterns was performed using Markovian texture features. Using discriminant analysis, of 22 parameters, 2 morphometric, 2 densitometric and 3 texture features were selected for the classification rule. With them, 89% of the bladder carcinomas were correctly classified into the three grades. All grade III tumors were classified correctly. Among the features tested, the densitometry of the DNA had the highest F values. All of the grade III tumors and 45% of the grade II tumor group had DNA histograms indicating aneuploidy. This study showed that plastic-embedded material is well suited to morphometry and densitometry and can be used for quantitative grading of bladder carcinoma.