The phylogeny of Lactarius section Deliciosi was investigated employing both molecular and morphological characters. We used the nuDNA ITS sequences and an 800 bp fragment of the gene encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd). Results confirm that Lactarius sect. Deliciosi forms a monophyletic group within the subgenus Piperites. The section contains nine accepted species in Europe, eight of which are traditionally placed in sect. Deliciosi. L. porninsis, a species with white latex that is usually classified in sect. Zonarii, also falls within sect. Deliciosi. Some recently described species are not confirmed here (L. sanguineovirescens) or their status remains doubtful because of a lack of collections (L. cyanopus). AFLP results show a clear distinction between the closely related L. deterrimus and L. fennoscandicus.