Objective: To present the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis.
Methods: The HRCT scans of 10 adult patients (seven females and three males; mean age, 38.7 years) were retrospectively analyzed. The films were studied independently by two radiologists.
Results: The most common tomographic findings were ground-glass attenuation and linear subpleural calcifications, which were seen in 90% of the patients. Other relevant findings were small parenchymal nodules, calcification along the interlobular septa, nodular cissures, subpleural nodules, subpleural cysts, dense consolidations, and a mosaic pattern of attenuation.
Conclusions: The HRCT findings presented by individuals with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis are distinct. In most cases, such findings can form the basis of the diagnosis, eliminating the need to perform a lung biopsy.