Understanding the brain goes through the assimilation of an increasing amount of biological data going from single cell recording to brain imaging studies and behavioral analysis. The description of cognition at these three levels provides us with a grid of analysis that can be exploited for the design of computational models. Beyond data related to specific tasks to be emulated by models, each of these levels also lays emphasis on principles of computation that must be obeyed to really implement biologically inspired computations. Similarly, the advantages of such a joint approach are twofold: computational models are a powerful tool to experiment brain theories and assess them on the implementation of realistic tasks, such as visual search tasks. They are also a way to explore and exploit an original formalism of asynchronous, distributed and adaptive computations with such precious properties as self-organization, emergence, robustness and more generally abilities to cope with an intelligent interaction with the world. In this article, we first discuss three levels at which a cortical circuit might be observed to provide a modeler with sufficient information to design a computational model and illustrate this principle with an application to the control of visual attention.