The authors report 4 cases of cutaneous lymphoproliferation unusual by their histology and their clinical presentation. Each presented with a history of a slow growing nodule on the ear. Despite the indolent clinical evolution, the histology suggested a high-grade lymphoma. All lesions consisted of a dense, diffuse proliferation of monomorphous medium-sized T cells throughout the dermis and subcutis. There was no epidermotropism and a grenz zone was clearly present in each case. The tumor cells displayed irregular blastlike nuclei, with small nucleoli and clear chromatin and had a CD3+, CD8+, CD4+, TIA1+, granzyme B(-)immunophenotype with a loss of other T-cell antigens. The 3 cases with available material for polymerase chain reaction studies displayed a monoclonal T-cell rearrangement of the T-cell receptor-gamma chain. These cases do not correspond to a recognized cutaneous T-cell lymphoma as described in the recent WHO/EORTC classification. The apparent striking propensity for the ear suggests that they might represent a specific entity. Further cases are needed to confirm this hypothesis. It is important for such indolent lesions to be known to avoid over treatment.