A self-formed and ordered anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) nano pattern has generated considerable interest in both scientific research and commercial application. However, the interpore distance obtainable by AAO is limited by 40-500 nm depending on electrolyte and anodizing voltage. It's believed that below-30 nm AAO pattern is a key technology in the fabrication semiconductor nano structures with enhanced quantum confinement effect, so we worked on the reduction of interpore distance of AAO with a novel electrolyte. AAO nano patterns were fabricated with mixed H2SO4 and H3PO4 as an electrolyte for various voltages and temperatures. The interpore distance and pore diameter of AAO were decreased with reduced anodizing voltage. As a result, an AAO nano pattern with the interpore distance of 27 nm and the pore diameter of 7 nm was obtained. This is the smallest pattern, as long as we know, reported till now with AAO technique. The fabricated AAO pattern could be utilized for uniform and high density quantum dots with increased quantum effect.