Pinnal anomalies were observed in 46% of 150 children with urinary tract malformation. This ear feature was only recorded in 16 cases among 100 control children. The observation of abnormalities of the auricle (flattened structure of the pinna, deformed shape of the helix) should thus prompt to investigate a possible urinary tract malformation (vesico-renal reflux, mega-ureter). The identification of this disorder should occur as early as possible in order to perform corrective surgery before irreversible kidney damage. Any urinary disorder associated to atypical morphology of the external ear should lead to abdominal echography. Urinary infections, sometimes mistaken for upper respiratory tract infections, will sometimes provide a diagnostic lead, confirmed by cyto-bacteriological examination of urine. These observations further confirm the concomitant development of the external ear and urinary tract during embryogenesis.