Objective: To determine whether low cardiovascular profile (CVP) score has prognostic value for predicting neonatal mortality and severe morbidity in human fetuses with growth restriction.
Methods: Seventy-five consecutive growth-restricted fetuses with Doppler examination of cardiovascular hemodynamics within a week prior to delivery comprised the study population. Hydrops, heart size, cardiac function and venous and arterial hemodynamics were evaluated for CVP score. The primary outcome measures were neonatal mortality and cerebral palsy.
Results: During the neonatal period, six of 75 neonates died and two had cerebral palsy (Group 1, n = 8). Compared with the fetuses discharged home from hospital (Group 2, n = 67), those in Group 1 were delivered at an earlier gestational age (28 (range, 24-35) weeks vs. 35 (range, 26-40) weeks, P < 0.01) and had lower CVP scores (4 (range, 2-6) vs. 9 (range, 5-10), P < 0.0001). All CVP subscale scores were lower (P < 0.01) in Group 1 than in Group 2 fetuses. Gestational age-adjusted hazard ratios (95% CIs) for adverse neonatal outcome were highest for cardiomegaly (13.9 (1.7-114.3), P = 0.014), monophasic atrioventricular filling pattern or holosystolic tricuspid regurgitation (9.5 (2.3-38.4), P = 0.002) and atrial pulsations in the umbilical vein 7.7 (1.4-41.2), P = 0.017).
Conclusions: Growth-restricted fetuses with adverse neonatal outcome have lower CVP scores than do fetuses with favorable neonatal outcome. The strongest predictors for adverse neonatal outcome in the CVP score were cardiomegaly, abnormal cardiac function with monophasic atrioventricular filling or holosystolic tricuspid regurgitation and increased systemic venous pressure. These assessments have independent prognostic power for adverse neonatal outcome even after adjustment for gestational age.
Copyright (c) 2007 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.