We have used a PCR-based technique, involving the random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), to assess genome variability between 21 isolates from F. solani f. sp. cucurbitae races 1 and 2. Based on RAPD marker patterns the isolates fell into two distinct groups corresponding to mating populations MPI and MPV. Four isolates that could not be assigned to one or other mating population by traditional means were distinguished by RAPD patterns. Seven polymorphic RAPD products were used to probe Southern blots of MPI and MPV genomic DNA. Six of the seven probes hybridized to single-copy sequences and five of the seven probes showed specificity for one or other mating population. We suggest that not only is the technique a rapid and reliable tool for isolate-typing of fungi but it also provides a rapid method for obtaining species- or race-specific hybridization probes.