Synchronous, dual-wavelength, injection-seeded amplification of 5-ns pulses in a flash-lamp-pumped Ti:sapphire laser

Opt Lett. 1999 Nov 1;24(21):1496-8. doi: 10.1364/ol.24.001496.


The outputs of two cw diode lasers are coupled into a flash-lamp-pumped Ti:sapphire laser cavity for regenerative amplification. Slices of each seed beam are simultaneously trapped in the cavity and amplified for approximately 33 round trips. The output is a 4.7-ns pulse, the total pulse energy is 110 mJ, and linewidths are only 50% greater than the Fourier-transform limit. The timing jitter between the pulses at the two wavelengths is less than +/-75 ps , and their relative energy is controlled by adjustment of the seed power of the cw diode lasers. Gain competition between the two frequencies does not lead to instabilities.