Giving the impact of complete response (CR) on outcome of multiple myeloma patients addressed to high-dose melphalan, we explored the role of a pre-transplant intensification with 3 months thalidome plus dexamethasone therapy (Thal-Dex), after pulse-VAD induction. Seventy-four multiple myeloma patients (MM pts) uniformly treated, were retrospectively studied. The response rate after pulse-VAD were: CR 6%, VGPR 40%, PR 23%, MR 23%, and progression 8%. The response rate after Thal-Dex were similar: CR 11%, VGPR 39%, PR 17%, MR 9%, and progression 24%. Giving no advantage in terms of response rate with an additive toxicity, Thal-Dex does not seem useful for intensification before transplant.