In the 20th century an important industrial plant operated on the coastal area of Bagnoli. After its closing, an integrated study of environmental characterisation aimed at restoration started. The survey conducted was based on chemical and sedimentological analyses integrated with benthic foraminifera analyses. Statistical analysis of the data shows sectors with a distinct type and degree of pollution. Particularly, pollution linked to the silty sediment fraction, mainly due to Pb and Zn, was recognised in front of the southern sector of the plant. The study of benthic foraminifera provides evidence for a pollution-tolerant character in some species like Haynesina germanica and Quinqueloculina parvula. In addition, two species among the 113 recognised show high percentages of abnormal specimens. These percentages show a statistical correlation with some pollutants (PAHs, Mn, Pb and Zn). In addition, Energy Dispersive Spectrometry shows small amounts of Fe ions included in deformed tests of Miliolinella subrotunda. Because the number of these deformations is positively correlated to the concentration of PAHs, Mn and Zn, the inability of some specimens to exclude the foreign elements from the crystalline reticulum of the test could be attributed to the potential toxic effect of these pollutants.