The pharmacokinetics and penetration into suction blister fluid of meropenem was investigated after intermittent (10 mg/kg/6 h) and during continuous infusion (10 mg/kg/6 h) in eight healthy male volunteers in a crossover fashion. Concentrations in serum, urine and blister fluid were determined by a HPLC method. The pharmacokinetic parameters in serum (+/- S.D.) T1/2 beta, AUC and clearance after the third dose of intermittent infusion were 62.7 (11.4) min, 43.5 (7.1) mg.h/L and 292.1 (36.8) mL/min respectively. The penetration in blister fluid was rapid and good, with a AUC ratio blister fluid/serum of 84.7 (11.4)%. During continuous infusion, from 12 to 18 h after the start of the infusion, the mean concentration in serum was 6.3 (0.7, S.D.) mg/L and in blister fluid 5.4 (0.7, S.D.) mg/L. The clearance was 338.3 (45.6) mL/min for serum. Urinary recovery was 61.6 (8.7)% after intermittent and 61.9 (6.9)% after continuous infusion.