The Authors report that in their experience in the therapy of HIV infection related thrombocytopenia with IG at the classic dose of 0.4 gr/Kg/day x 5 days. Moreover they report their experience in a patient with repeated single-dose infusions at low dosage. They treated four patients, who were drug-addicts, with HIV infection thrombocytopenia that didn't exceed 50,000/mm3. Anti-platelets antibodies tested with an indirect method weren't found in any of the patients examined. Among those patients three were of Group III CDC and one of Group IV C1 CDC. Among the first group the best results were obtained in two patients with the immunocompromission of average seriousness but one of these had a rapid decrease in platelets count. In the others where results were low a severe immunocompromission was apparent and probably a severe damaged Reticulo Endothelial System (RES) function. So the AA think that function of RES may be important in the forecast of clinical response. The Authors conclude moreover that good results were obtained with a single-dose infusion at low dosage even if they observed a progressive decrease of response. They propose such a therapy if there isn't an emergency after tested RES function.