Background: A previously fit and healthy 30-year-old man reported experiencing palpitations accompanied by nausea, sweating and presyncope. These symptoms were found to be associated with episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. He was a nonsmoker, did not drink excessively, denied illicit drug use and had no family history of structural cardiac disease or sudden death.
Investigations: Electrocardiography, laboratory tests, electrophysiological studies, echocardiography, coronary angiography, chest radiography, cardiac MRI (with late gadolinium enhancement), chest CT, lymph-node biopsy, Ziehl Nielsen staining, blood and sputum cultures and heaf testing.
Diagnosis: Tubercular myocarditis.
Management: Antituberculous chemotherapy supported by antiarrhythmic and steroid pharmacotherapy and cardioverter-defibrillator implantation. Repeated imaging was performed to monitor disease progression.