RNase protection assays (RPA) employing multiprobe sets are powerful tools to simultaneously measure transcription of several different genes. We used BD Biosciences/Pharmingen's mouse chemokine probeset mCK-5c to measure chemokine gene expression in brain and spleen tissue of mice. Depending on the RPA protocol used, we observed differences in the relative amounts of transcripts for interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) and T-cell activation-3 (TCA-3). Isolation and sequencing of the IP-10 specific gene from the mCK-5c probeset revealed two nucleotide insertions in the probe that are not present in the natural IP-10 cDNA. We show that these insertions cause RNase A-dependent degradation of the protected IP-10 mRNA yielding a fragment indistinguishable in size from that specific for TCA-3, thus leading to over-interpretation of TCA-3 expression as well as underestimation of IP-10 gene expression levels.