Bio-Rad D10 hemoglobin testing system with rack loader for hemoglobinA1C assay was evaluated. Analytical qualities were satisfactory. Imprecision was good (within-run cv was 0,5% for 4,5% of HBA(1C), 0,63% for 7,4% of HBA1C, 0,46% for 11,1% of HBA1C, between-run cv was 1,16% for 4,7% of HBA1C, 1,01% for 7,6% of HBA1C, 1,04% for 11,2% of HBA1C). Results were very well correlated with those obtained on Bio-Rad Variant II (r = 0,998). Bland and Altman graph showed good agreement between the two methods for HbA1C under 15%. The measuring range was up to 18,3% of HBA1C. There was no specimen related carry over. Triglycerides under 5,5 mmol/L and bilirubin under 734 mumol/L did not interfere. Carbamylation of HBA1C did not interfere for urea concentration under 14 mmol/L. Practicability was very good. Detection of common hemoglobin variants (HbS, C, D, E, O) is available. Fast and easy switching between short and long program allows to perform HBA1C determination for patients with hemoglobin variants. So, D10 is an interesting and easy to use small HPLC automate witch offers accurate HBA1C quantification certified by NGSP.