Background: Sarcoidosis is an ubiquity disease, which can infiltrate all tissues. The cutaneous and ophthalmologic thoracic localizations are most frequent. The nasosinusienne localisation is rare.
Aim: The authors report their observations of 4 patients: 2 men and 2 women with a mean age 47.5 years (42-56). Theses cases was diagnosed and treated between january 1998 and December 2003 in the ENT service of the Habib Thameur hospital.
Cases: The diagnosis was related to a nasal or a sinuses biopsy. The assessment of extension was negative in 3 cases. The corticoid treatment in local pulverization was sufficient in 2 cases. The corticoid treatment by systematic way was necessary among 2 patients. Favourable out look was obtained in all the cases. The naso sinusienne localization is rare, it is exceptionally isolated. The clinical and radiological symptoms are not specifics. Principal element of the diagnosis is the directed biopsy, easy in this localization.