In cold-atom frequency standards based on the Ramsey double interaction method, the phase noise of the interrogating signal appears as a random "end-to-end phase difference", thereby introducing frequency noise in the loop. This phenomenon is analyzed in this paper in the Fourier frequency domain, using phase noise power spectral densities S(phi)(f). In continuously operated standards, the excess noise thus introduced is servoed out in the long term to become eventually smaller than the atomic shot noise, whereas in standards with pulsed operation the phase noise around even harmonics of the pulse rate is down-converted by aliasing to base band. This latter mechanism is referred to in the literature as Dick effect. In this paper, a model of the frequency control servo system is proposed, in which the input signal is the (known) local oscillator (LO) phase noise S(phi)(f) and the output signal is the (unknown) phase noise S(phi)(f) of the standard in closed loop operation. The level of excess white frequency noise added by aliasing on the stabilized LO through the Dick effect can be related analytically to the characteristics of the free LO phase noise. From this, the stability limitation (with slope tau(-1/2)) typical of the Dick effect can then be obtained by the usual conversion formulas based on the power law model.