Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty was used to treat 340 aortoiliac lesions in 200 patients who were followed for as long as 90 months (mean, 28.7 months; median, 23 months). The initial success rate was 94.7% for lesions and 93.0% for patients. The indications for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty included claudication in 117 patients (58.5%), rest pain or ischemic night pain in 47 (23.5%), limb salvage in 33 (16.5%), and aiding in wound healing in three (1.5%). In the series, 70% of the patients had two or more cardiovascular risk factors. Angioplasty was initially unsuccessful in 14 patients, and 10 patients were lost to follow-up. Follow-up was obtained in 176 patients. The long-term results were analyzed using the life table method to determine cumulative patency. Fourteen patients were considered failures because of recurrent disease or symptoms. The projected 7.5-year cumulative patency rate was 85%. When the response to redilatation was considered, the projected 7.5-year cumulative patency rate was 92%. The results indicate that percutaneous transluminal angioplasty can successfully correct aortoiliac lesions and provide a long-term benefit for as long as 7.5 years.