Based on the nationwide database of Japan in January 2006, a cumulative number of the patients exceeded 200,000, while 90,000 patients are now older than 20 years old. The Japan Kawasaki Disease Committee established the guideline of its management in 2002. In adult patients with coronary sequelae, there is no doubt on the necessity of life-long-follow-up, while there is still arguments on how do we care the adult patients with no or mild coronary involvements in the acute phase which regressed spontaneously. The coronary artery sequelae of Kawasaki disease may be an important cause of ischemic heart disease in young adults, particularly under 40 years of age. In this review, we discuss how we care adult patients with a history of Kawasaki disease with coronary sequelae. Finally, we recommend opening the outpatient office for adult patients with a history of Kawasaki disease, because the frequency where adult patients followed Kawasaki disease stops consulting a medical institution became high.