Objectives: To evaluate the sensitization to aeroallergens determined by skin prick test (SPT) in Brazilian adolescents, and to correlate its positivity with the diagnosis of asthma and/or rhinitis based on the written questionnaire (WQ) of ISAAC phase III study.
Patients and methods: A total of 996 adolescents (387 boys) were selected by systematic samples. A standard allergen extracts panel (positive/negative control, D pteronyssinus [Dpt], P americana [Pa], B germanica [Bg], dog, cat, fungal and grass mix) was used and its positivity compared with positive responses to asthma, rhinitis or both.
Results: Positive SPT to at least one allergen was observed in 466 adolescents (46.8 %), with sensitisation to Dpt in 79.1 %. Positivity to more than one allergen occurred in 232 students (49.8 %). The frequency of positive SPTs was significantly higher among adolescents with asthma (OR = 2.16), rhinitis (OR = 1.69), and asthma and rhinitis (OR = 2.03). Positive SPT to four or more allergens were higher among asthmatics (OR = 2.6) and among adolescents with asthma and rhinitis (OR = 3).
Conclusions: A high sensitisation rate to aeroallergens was observed, significantly higher among those with asthma, rhinitis or a combination of both, especially in multiple sensitisations.