Aim: To detect risk factors associated with osteoporosis, on two samples of patients investigated using ultrasonic osteo-densitometry method (UOD).
Objectives: To found out the relation between anthropometrical data, factors which describe lifestyle of personal pathologic antecedents and T score obtained after UOD, as well as their classification.
Material and methods: The epidemiological and imaging assessments were carried out on two samples of 364 persons from general population (the A sample), and 144 (the B sample), respectively. The registered variables were processed using adequate statistical tests.
Results: In the A sample, over 50% of patients had, after the T score, osteopenia, and 10% suffered from osteoporosis. Concerning the lifestyle, we highlighted: a low lactates consumption (69.7%), coffee (14.3%) and alcohol (0.8%) consumption; sedentary life (48.9%), tobacco smoking (2.2%). The risk quantification by score calculation put in evidence an average of 9.9 +/- 3.3 (for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 20). In the B sample, the T score varied between 4.77 and 1.67. The assessment of relation between the T score and lifestyle permitted the classification in risk, protection and indifferent factors. Coffee consumption is a weak protection factor (OR = 0.84), and tobacco smoking increases osteoporosis risk 4.13 times. The risk is 3.7 for alcohol consumers, as well as for low lactate consumption (OR=2.87). Sedentary life cannot consider a risk factor, in our research.
Conclusion: Calculation of a individual score that show the weight risk in persons with densitometric alterations represents a practical method in monitoring persons who can be exposed of some handicap after alterations of bone structures.