From April 1988 to October 1990 we treated 80 patients by D.D.V. ligation and successive tightening of the cavernous bodies with simultaneous corporo-pubic suspension with four non-absorbable dorsal stiches. In 58 of them, further ligation have not been necessary; the remaining 22 patients had also to be treated with cavernous crura ligation (16 Pts.) and Urettiro-glandular lysis (6 Pts.). The immediate post-operative functional success (satisfactory sexual intercourse), in the first group, was 88%, in the second one was 80%. The 12-months follow up (50 Pts.) has shown a success rate of 77.5. In the technique we propose (corporo-tightening and pubic suspension - C.T.P.S.) there are two advantages: the reduction of the cavernous outflow and the improvement of the erection angle, making coitus easier.