We describe an effective technique for the low-pressure continuous suction of bile and pancreatic juice from the hepatic duct and jejunal limb after major hepatectomy with pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). After hepatectomy and PD, reconstruction is performed by a modification of Child's method. A pancreaticojejunostomy is completed with interrupted sutures between the pancreatic duct and mucosa, without inserting a stent. During hepaticojejunostomy, a 10-F silicone drain with side channels (Blake Silicone Drain; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ, USA) is placed within the hepatic duct via the stump of the jejunal limb to drain bile and pancreatic juice. The drain is connected to a continuous suction device and low suction pressure is started. We found that the low-pressure continuous suction of bile and pancreatic juice from the hepatic duct and jejunal limb was very effective after major hepatectomy with PD.