Tunable Fabry-Perot etalon-based long-wavelength infrared imaging spectroradiometer

Appl Opt. 1999 Apr 20;38(12):2594-604. doi: 10.1364/ao.38.002594.


Imaging spectrometry enables passive, stand-off detection and analysis of the chemical composition of gas plumes and surfaces over wide geographic areas. We describe the use of a long-wavelength infrared imaging spectroradiometer, comprised of a low-order tunable Fabry-Perot etalon coupled to a HgCdTe detector array, to perform multispectral detection of chemical vapor plumes. The tunable Fabry-Perot etalon used in this research provides coverage of the 9.5-14-microm spectral region with a resolution of 7-9 cm(-1). The etalon-based imaging system provides the opportunity to image a scene at only those wavelengths needed for chemical species identification and quantification and thereby minimize the data volume necessary for selective species detection. We present initial results using a brassboard imaging system for stand-off detection and quantification of chemical vapor plumes against near-ambient-temperature backgrounds. These data show detection limits of 22 parts per million by volume times meter (ppmv x m) and 0.6 ppmv x m for dimethyl methyphosphonate and SF6, respectively, for a gas/background DeltaT of 6 K. The system noise-equivalent spectral radiance is approximately 2 microW cm(-2) sr(-1) microm(-1). Model calculations are presented comparing the measured sensitivity of the sensor to the anticipated signal levels for two chemical release scenarios.