Cyclophilin A is secreted by vascular smooth muscle cells in response to inflammatory stimuli, and could thus contribute to atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that the genetic variation at the cyclophilin A gene (PPIA) could affect the risk for developing atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. This study included 250 myocardial infarction patients (all male and < 60 years; 95% are smokers). All these cases had at least one atherosclerotic diseased coronary vessel. DNA was obtained from patients and from 250 healthy controls. The variation at the PPIA gene was determined in the patients through single-strand conformation analysis and direct sequencing of seven polymerase chain reaction fragments. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between patients and controls. The effect of a promoter polymorphism (-11 G/C) on gene expression was in vitro analysed with luciferase-reporter assays. We found two common polymorphisms in the PPIA promoter (-11 G/C) and the 5' non-translated (+36 G/A) regions. Cells transfected with luciferase-plasmids containing the -11 G had significantly higher luciferase activity. Genotype frequencies for these polymorphisms did not differ between patients and controls. In conclusion, we reported a functional variant in the PPIA promoter. However, the PPIA variation did not significantly contribute to the risk of suffering from myocardial infarction among patients with atherosclerotic diseased vessels.