The expression of CD10/CALLA is associated primarily with childhood leukemia of pre-B lymphocyte phenotype. We have compared the hybridization pattern of the CALLA gene from leukemic and normal cells digested with several restriction enzymes. No alterations were noticed with Eco RI, Sac I, Pvu II, Eco RV, Hind III, and Msp I. Since CALLA is also found on other malignancies, we analyzed DNA samples prepared from cell lines derived from leukemia, lymphoma, glioblastoma, retinoblastoma, and neuroblastoma. Normal restriction patterns were observed for all the lines regardless of their CALLA phenotype. Having demonstrated previously that CALLA was structurally identical to neutral endopeptidase (NEP), we have now established a correlation between surface expression of CALLA and NEP activity on leukemia samples and on several cell lines. Malignant cells tested expressed a functionally active enzyme and no gross alteration was present in the CALLA gene. The CD44 gene is expressed on most cells of hemopoietic origin and on greater than 95% of cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloblastic leukemia studied. It is also expressed on normal astrocytes and on malignant cells of glioma/astrocytoma types. We now report that a similar pattern of hybridization was observed with Sac I, Pvu II, and Eco RI for leukemic samples, normal cells, and malignant cell lines. A polymorphism was recently detected for CD44 using Hind III; leukemic cells and malignant lines also showed this normal polymorphism. Thus no deletion or insertion could be detected in the CD44 gene of leukemic cells and malignant lines, suggesting that no gross DNA alterations were involved. The correlation between surface expression and enzymatic activity of CD10/CALLA and the expression of CD44 on a variety of malignant cells would suggest that the structure and function of these two gene products are probably not altered by the process of transformation.