Advanced laparoscopic techniques require laparoscopic means of providing hemostasis. We tested the hemostatic ability of laparoscopic surgical clips and their tissue reactivity as assessed by adhesion formation in an animal model. Twenty-six New Zealand white rabbits were randomized at laparotomy to one of three treatment groups: titanium surgical clips, absorbable surgical clips (both applied with a laparoscopic clip applicator) and chromic sutures of equal mass. Either the right fallopian tube was transected, with clips or sutures applied proximally and distally to control bleeding, or the clips or sutures were applied 5 mm apart and the tube transected. A clip or suture of the same material was placed on the midportion of the left fallopian tube. Necropsy was performed at 42 days, and each clip/suture site was scored for adhesions. All the materials were easily applied and effective in achieving hemostasis. The adhesion scores tended to be lower with the absorbable clips; however, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. Laparoscopic clips are effective in providing hemostasis, are easily applied and cause no more adhesion formation than do conventional suture materials.