In nonpustular psoriasis, principally two forms can be distinguished [Christophers E. Henseler T: Patient subgroups and the inflammatory pattern in psoriasis. Acta Dermatol Venereol 69(suppl 151):88-92, 1989): Type I frequently shows positive family history, linkage disequilibrium for human leucocyte antigens (HLAs) Cw6, B13 and Bw57 as well as an early onset. Type II manifests itself around the 5th decade, it is more frequently than normal associated with Cw2 and B27. In the light of this association with HLAs an autoimmune pathogenesis has been discussed. In order to investigate the pathogenetic function of T cells we obtained biopsies from patients with type I (n = 10) and type II (n = 10) psoriasis. Three-step peroxidase staining was performed using a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against five variable (V) regions of the beta chain (V beta 5a, V beta 5b, V beta 6, V beta 8, V beta 12) and one of the alpha chain (V alpha 2) of the T cell receptor (TCR). Positive or negative selection of a particular TCR V region could not be detected in the demonstrable repertoire. Furthermore, the usage of the V regions under investigation revealed a similar pattern in the two forms of psoriasis.