There is current controversy regarding whether vasoconstriction plays a significant role in the elevated pressure of severe, advanced stages of pulmonary hypertension. Results of acute vasodilator testing using conventional vasodilators in such patients suggest there is only a minor contribution of vasoconstriction. However, there is a possibility that these results may underestimate the contribution of vasoconstriction because the most effective vasodilators have not yet been tested. This issue has not been addressed even experimentally, due mainly to a lack of appropriate animal models. A few animal models that mimic the pathology of human severe pulmonary hypertension more closely (i.e., development of occlusive neointimal lesions in small pulmonary arteries/arterioles) have been introduced, including rat models of left lung pneumonectomy plus monocrotaline injection and vascular endothelial growth factor inhibition plus exposure to chronic hypoxia. We have observed that Rho kinase inhibitors, a novel class of potent vasodilators, reduce the high pulmonary artery pressure of these models acutely and markedly, suggesting that vasoconstriction can significantly be involved in pulmonary hypertension with severely remodeled (occluded) pulmonary vessels. This chapter describes methods used for evaluation of the involvement of Rho kinase-mediated vasoconstriction in rat models of pulmonary hypertension.