COBRA-STAR, a five frame point-projection x-ray imaging system for 1 MA scale wire-array Z pinches

Rev Sci Instrum. 2008 Mar;79(3):033503. doi: 10.1063/1.2884707.


A new imaging system for 1 MA scale wire-array Z-pinch experiments that produces up to five high-resolution x-ray images per experimental pulse has been developed. Calibrated areal density measurements of the Z-pinch plasma can be obtained from each pulse. The system substitutes five molybdenum (Mo) X pinches for the normal copper return-current conductors to provide point sources of x-rays for point-projection radiography. Each backlighting X pinch consists of four Mo wires, the x-ray burst timing of which was controlled by varying the wire diameter (mass) from 10.2 to 30 microm in the five X pinches. Typical images have a 16x8 mm2 field of view at the wire array and a magnification of about 6.5:1 on the x-ray-sensitive film. Titanium (Ti) filters in front of the films transmit continuum radiation in the spectral range of 3-5 keV. Inclusion on the Ti of a step wedge having known thickness increments of the same material as the wires enables the calibrated areal density measurements to be made of the exploding wire plasmas. Here, we used tungsten (W) step wedges with step thicknesses ranging from 0.015 to 1.1 microm to obtain accurate (+/-10%) areal density measurements of W plasmas from the spatial profile of film exposure. When imaging arrays that produce intense radiation pulses, a plastic monofilament "quencher" is placed on axis to avoid film saturation. Images have subnanosecond temporal resolution and about 7 microm spatial resolution.