A 78-year-old woman presented herself at emergency for the appearance of severe dyspnea. An electrocardiogram showed signs of inferior and anterior necrosis, and laboratory tests showed a small increase of myocardial cytonecrosis enzymes. An echocardiogram detected a reduction of global systolic function (ejection fraction [EF] approximately 40%) as well as akinesia of the apex, interventricular septum middle segments, and anterior and anterolateral walls, with basal segments showing compensatory hyperkinesia. The coronarography showed a coronary tree substantially free from significant lesions. The patient was transferred to the cardiology unit of our hospital. Based on the contained increase of the cardiac enzymes, the absence of coronary lesions, and the presence of typical echocardiography alterations, we suspected a Tako-tsubo-like syndrome. On deeper anamnestic investigation, an event of strong emotional stress emerged preceding the hospital admission that confirmed the pathology, even though it is atypical to see clinical presentation a long time after a stressful event.