Background: The impact of recent social and professional influences on trauma research is unclear. This study characterizes current research practices, opinions on research quality, and barriers to academic productivity, expressed by academic trauma surgeons.
Methods: A survey tool was administered electronically to members of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Questions on demographics, current and past research experience, perceptions of research quality trends, and barriers to academic success were included.
Results: Response rate was 40% (322 of 815). The mean age of respondents was 45 with 73% reporting completion of a critical care fellowship and 63% practicing in a university setting. The majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that both basic science (75%) and clinical (82%) research have become more difficult to perform. Greater difficulty in obtaining funding from their institutions was reported by 69% and by 61% for industry or private sources. Approximately 70% agreed that Institutional review board (IRB) regulations, confidentiality and consent requirements have impeded their research efforts whereas 86% agreed that increasing clinical requirements have inhibited their research efforts. Factors seen as impeding multi-institutional research, in order, were funding, IRB issues, poor coordination, commitment of investigators, and logistics. Perceived barriers to a successful research career were insufficient protected time (42%), funding (25%), personal motivation (11%), and IRB issues (11%).
Conclusion: Research is viewed as being more difficult to conduct. The primary barriers to research productivity are perceived to be decreased protected time, decreased funding availability, and increased regulatory requirements.