Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr virus has been identified to be crucial in inducing cell transformation. However, the mechanism of LMP1-mediated epithelial cell transformation remains unclear. In this study, nasopharyngeal epithelial cells NP69 were infected with retrovirus with gene encoding wild type LMP1 or mutational LMP1 defective in binding to tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated death domain (TRADD). The NP69-LMP1(TRADD) lost some malignant phenotypes compared with the NP69-LMP1(WT). We performed proteomic approach to gain the differential protein expression profile associated with LMP1-mediated epithelial cell transformation. Furthermore, the differential expressional levels of partial identified proteins were confirmed by Western blot and real-time RT-PCR. Some were known to be related to the development of LMP1-induced transformation, and some were new LMP1-associated proteins. These data are valuable for further study of the mechanism of LMP1 in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma and provide some new clues for investigating other LMP1-associated tumors.