In this article, we demonstrate the fabrication and detection of cancer protein biochips consisting of micro- and nanoarrays whereby pegylated quantum dots (QDs) conjugated to antibodies (Abs) of prostate specific antigens (PSA) were used for the detection of clinical biomarkers such as PSA. BSA which acts as an efficient blocking layer in microarrays, tends to show an interaction with QDs. In view of this fact, we investigated two series of samples which were fabricated in the presence and absence of BSA blocking layer. Variation in the incubation time required for the antigen-antibody interaction to take place, different proteins as controls and the effect of bare QDs on these microarrays, were the three main parameters which were studied in these two series. Samples fabricated in the absence of BSA blocking layer exhibited an extremely high specificity in the detection of cancer proteins and were also marked by negligible nonspecific binding effects of QDs, in stark contrast to the samples fabricated using BSA as a blocking layer. Fabrication of nanoarrays of QD-conjugated PSA Abs having a spot size of nearly 900 nm has also been demonstrated. Thus, we show the potential offered by QDs in in vitro analysis of cancer biomarker imaging.