We developed a new body surface isopotential mapping system using a colored spatial mapping electrocardiographic technique based on Frank's vectorcardiography to be used with CERX CQ-3011 and NEC PC-100 computers. We assessed its usefulness in comparison with the conventional body surface mapping technique in 12 patients with old myocardial infarction (6 with anterior and 6 with inferior infarction), and in 10 healthy subjects. All distributions of positive and negative zones presented on body surface isopotential maps were obtained with this new technique, which corresponded well with the distribution of zones on conventional body surface isopotential maps. Although the maximum and minimum positions of the 2 maps did not coincide with one another, this new map aided in diagnosing anterior and inferior infarction from the minimum position determined 20 msec after the onset of QRS. This new mapping system allows a clear spatial representation of vectorcardiograms and requires less complicated procedure compared with the conventional body surface mapping technique. Thus, this body surface isopotential mapping system should be clinically useful.