A vacuum ellipsometer has been designed for probing the glass transition in thin supported polymer films. The device is based on the optics of a commercial spectroscopic phase-modulated ellipsometer. A custom-made vacuum chamber evacuated by oil-free pumps, variable temperature optical table, and computer-based data acquisition system was described. The performance of the tool has been demonstrated using 20-200 nm thick poly(methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene films coated on silicon substrates at 10(-6)-10(-8) torr residual gas pressure. Both polymers show pronounced glass transitions. The difficulties in assigning in the glass transition temperature are discussed with respect to the experimental challenges of the measurements in thin polymer films. It is found that the experimental curves can be significantly affected by a residual gas. This effect manifests itself at lower temperatures as a decreased or even negative apparent thermal coefficient of expansion, and is related to the uptake and desorption of water by the samples during temperature scans. It is also found that an ionization gauge--the standard accessory of any high vacuum system--can cause a number of spurious phenomena including drift in the experimental data, roughening of the polymer surface, and film dewetting.