We studied the effects of repeated stimulation by recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) at various time intervals during a physiologic breeding season in rhesus monkeys. Ovarian recovery and responses were assessed by ultrasonography, serum steroid concentrations, number of oocytes retrieved, and in vitro blastocyst development following IVF. One group underwent a single stimulation regimen with 18 IU rhFSH i.m., followed by 1000 IU hCG, and serum steroid concentrations and ovarian status were determined in the following three menses. Another group was stimulated as before and then allocated into three subgroups; each subgroup was re-stimulated once at the beginning of the ensuing first, second, or third menses. In the final experiment, one group was stimulated with 37.5 IU rhFSH, whereas another group received 18 IU rhFSH. In subsequent cycles, all were re-stimulated twice with 18 IU rhFSH at time intervals of two menstrual cycles (MCs). At the first menses after stimulation, serum progesterone concentrations were significantly higher and the ovaries larger than before stimulation. Monkeys that were re-stimulated at the first menses responded poorly; at the second menses, progesterone concentrations and ovarian size recovered, but the number of oocytes retrieved from re-stimulated monkeys was still significantly reduced. However, animals that were re-stimulated in two MCs later responded well (i.e., percentage of the animals responding, oocytes recovered, and potential for fertilization and blastocyst formation). In conclusion, rhesus monkeys were likely to have similar ovarian responses to repeated stimulation with the same regimen spaced at least two MCs apart.