Infectious complications of cancer chemotherapy in HIV patients

Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2008 May;10(2):149-56. doi: 10.1007/s11908-008-0026-7.


The outcome for HIV-infected patients with cancer has dramatically improved in the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era, probably due to improvements in immune status and bone marrow function that allow the possibility of increased drug-dose intensity with a higher complete remission rate. Although data regarding the optimal management of these cancers are lacking, current studies suggest that patients with HIV-associated malignancies could be treated using approaches similar to those for their counterparts in the general population (ie, with chemotherapy, radiation, and appropriate use of supportive measures). In the HAART era, the AIDS-related mortality rate has decreased by approximately 70%, and so the cause of the growing number of reports of cancers in HIV patients is unclear. Clearly, non-AIDS-defining malignancies account for more morbidity and mortality than AIDS-defining malignancies. Prevention strategies are needed to adequately deal with HIV-associated cancers in an aging and growing HIV-positive population.