Chorioamnionitis: association of nonreassuring fetal heart-rate patterns and interval from diagnosis to delivery on neonatal outcome

Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 1994;2(4):162-6. doi: 10.1155/S106474499400058X.


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether selected fetal heart-rate (FHR) patterns and the interval from diagnosis to delivery in pregnancies complicated by chorioamnionitis could predict neonatal outcome.

Methods: During a 6-month period, 217 consecutive patients with acute chorioamnionitis were prospectively identified in labor. Following delivery, the fetal monitor strips and hospital courses were reviewed for both the mother and neonate. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the presence of a nonreassuring FHR pattern and the effect on neonatal outcome. Fisher exact tests were used to analyze the time intervals from the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis to delivery and their significance on neonatal outcome parameters.

Results: The overall incidence of chorioamnionitis in our population was 2.3%. None of the independent variables analyzed following the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis until delivery were significantly associated with an umbilical artery (Ua) pH < 7.20. There were no differences in cord pH, Apgar scores, sepsis, admission to special-care nursery, and oxygen requirements in neonates based on the duration of time from the diagnosis of chorioamnionitis to delivery in our study. None of the newborns had pathologic fetal acidemia (Ua pH < 7.00). None of the FHR patterns we identified after the diagnosis of acute chorioamnionitis were significantly associated with neonates with a Ua pH < 7.20.

Conclusions: An interval from diagnosis to delivery of up to 12 h plays little if any role in neonatal outcome.