The use of accurate mass measurement as a confirmation tool is examined on a TOF-MS and compared with confirmation using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (QqQ-MS). Confirmation of the identity of a substance using mass-spectrometric detection has been described. However, the use of accurate mass measurement for confirmatory analysis has not been taken into account. In this study, criteria for confirmation with accurate mass are proposed and feasibility is demonstrated. Mass accuracy better than 3ppm of the quasi-molecular ion and a fragment and their relative ratios determined with LC/TOF-MS are compared to the criteria of two transition ions and their ratio of LC/QqQ-MS. The results show that these criteria can be met for Trenbolone in samples of bovine urine and that single MS accurate mass measurement is comparable to nominal mass MS/MS for confirmation. The increase in popularity and availability of LC/TOF-MS instruments and the ease, of which exact masses can be measured, make it important to formulate criteria for this type of instrumentation. It is shown in this study that accurate mass measurement can be used for confirmatory analysis. However, more experiments need to be conducted to demonstrate the applicability of accurate mass measurement in general for residue analysis.