We report the results of charge transport studies on single CdTe nanocrystals contacted via evaporated Pd electrodes. Device charging energy, E c, monitored as a function of electrode separation drops suddenly at separations below approximately 55 nm. This drop can be explained by chemical changes induced by the metal electrodes. This explanation is corroborated by ensemble X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of CdTe films as well as single particle measurements by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-rays. Similar to robust optical behavior obtained when nanocrystals are coated with a protective shell, we find that a protective SiO 2 layer deposited between the nanocrystal and the electrode prevents interface reactions and an associated drop in E c,max. This observation of interface reactivity and its effect on electrical properties has important implications for the integration of nanocrystals into conventional fabrication techniques and may enable novel nanomaterials.