Purpose: Patients with acute myelocytic leukemia carrying inversion 16 (inv16) or t(8;21) have a better initial response to high-dose cytarabine than patients without these chromosomal abnormalities. They presently do not undergo transplantation in first remission (CR1), but there is concern about late relapses.
Patients and methods: From 1990 to 2004, 325 adult patients received transplantations in CR1 (159 patients with inv16 and 166 patients with t(8;21), including 35 and 60 patients, respectively, with additional chromosomal abnormalities). Genoidentical allografts were performed in 64 patients with inv16 and 81 patients with t(8;21), and autografts were performed in 95 patients with inv16 and 85 patients with t(8;21).
Results: In patients with inv16, after allogeneic and autologous transplantation, the 5-year leukemia-free survival (LFS) rates were 59% and 66% (P = .5), the relapse incidence (RI) rates were 27% and 32% (P = .45), and the transplantation-related mortality (TRM) rates were 14% and 2% (P = .003), respectively. Female patients had a lower RI and a higher LFS. Additional chromosomal abnormalities, compared with no additional abnormalities, were associated with lower RI rate (12% v 34%, respectively; P = .01) and higher 5-year LFS rate (78% v 59%, respectively; P = .04). In patients with t(8;21), after allogeneic and autologous transplantation, the 5-year LFS rates were 60% and 66% (P = .69), the RI rates were 15% and 28% (P = .03), and the TRM rates were 24% and 6% (P = .003), respectively. Younger age and a lower WBC count at diagnosis were associated with a lower TRM and a better LFS. The TRM was lower and the RI was higher in patients with autologous transplantations versus allogeneic transplantations.
Conclusion: Both autologous and allogeneic transplantation resulted in similar outcomes.